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CDPH Portal Online Services
Explore what’s currently available below, and check back often as the CDPH Portal grows to serve up all your licensing, certification, permitting and registration information in one easy-access site.
End of Life Option Act
The End of Life Option Act (EOLA) allows an adult diagnosed with a terminal disease, who meets certain criteria, to request aid-in-dying drugs from their doctor. Find the specified forms and information physicians must submit to CDPH and apply here.
Export Document Application
Licensed/registered CDPH firms who wish to export their products to other countries must apply for export certificates from the Food and Drug Board (FDB) Export Document Program to comply with Health and Safety Code Sections 110190-110240. Apply now.
Palliative Care Pilot Program
Hospice care is no longer limited to terminally ill patients who have agreed to forgo curative treatment. The Palliative Care Pilot Program (PCPP) expands palliative care services and permits hospices to provide palliative care to patients with a serious illness.